Programming Languages That Every Beginner Software Developers Should Know

Programming Languages That Every Beginner Software Developers Should Know

Every developer has their favorite programming language, but the truth is that knowing more than one can only help you in your career. There are a number of good reasons why this is true; here’s just one: If you’re working on a new project, there’s a good chance that your team already has a “go-to” language or two. So if you’ve mastered multiple languages and can switch between them as needed, then it’ll be easier for you to find work on projects where other languages aren’t being used.

You may have heard of some of these before or have tried using them yourself (or maybe even used them professionally!). But some might be completely new to you—and that’s okay! We’ll explain all about what they are, how they work with each other, and why knowing them could one day make you better at your job.

Programming languages are the backbone of the software industry.

Programming languages are the backbone of the software industry. They are the tools that developers use to create software.

Programming languages have been around for decades, and their popularity has fluctuated over time. Some programming languages are more popular than others, but it’s important for all developers to be familiar with at least one or two programming languages in order to understand how they work and what they can do. So here are some of the programming languages that software developers are using:


Java is a general-purpose, high-level programming language that’s used for developing Web applications, according to Oracle. It was designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible and can be used on all major operating systems.

Java is an object-oriented programming language that allows software developers to easily create programs by combining objects together into classes. The Java programming environment (JRE) includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which provides a runtime where compiled Java programs can run; this runtime includes core libraries and support utilities needed by any computing environment that uses JAVA technology.

C Programming Language

C is a general-purpose programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Labs. It was originally designed to implement the Unix operating system, but it has since been used to write many other types of programs. C is also one of the most widely used languages in computer science education and software development.

C has many features that make it an extremely powerful language for writing complex systems software, such as its strong typing, rich set of data types, pointers for memory management and function pointers for function-like behavior.

C is generally considered to be a low-level programming language because it provides direct access to hardware resources such as memory addresses and I/O ports. For this reason, C code can be quite difficult for humans to read due to its use of punctuation characters like semicolons (;) instead of terminators like curly brackets ({}).

C++ Programming Language

C++ is a general-purpose programming language, meaning that it can be used to write software for virtually any application. In fact, C++ was designed to be used with the C programming language and was intended as an extension of C.

C++ is also a compiled language. This means that programs written in C++ are translated into machine code and then run by the computer’s processor. What this means for you is that you don’t have to worry about writing programs in assembly language or directly manipulating memory addresses like you did with BASIC on your old Commodore 64.

C++ is statically typed which means that variables have types associated with them at compile time (when your program is translated into machine code). In contrast, dynamic languages such as JavaScript use values instead of types and check their types only when they are assigned to variables or passed as arguments between functions.

C# Programming Language

C# was developed by Microsoft. C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It is designed to be simple, powerful, type safe and easy to use. C# is an imperative, statically typed and managed language with type inference in its most common use. It was designed by Anders Hejlsberg and released in 2000 as the main implementation of .NET framework.

C# is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports procedural programming patterns along with functional and generic programs. The language provides inbuilt support for memory management without creating any garbage collection overhead while writing code because it has automatic memory management mechanism which frees the developer from worrying about releasing unused objects or cleaning up resources before the program terminates itself.

CSS Programming Languange

CSS is a language that is used to write style sheets and other code that describes how a website should look and function. CSS is a simple programming language, but it has many different uses. A developer can use CSS to add styles to text, create image galleries or even build complex animations. The language was developed by Bert Bos, Håkon Lie and Chris Lilley in 1996.


Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is a general-purpose language, which means that it can be used for almost any kind of software development. Python is also relatively easy to learn compared to other languages such as C++ and Java.

Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET is a third-generation event-driven language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. Visual Basic was originally designed to allow the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects.

It can be used in many ways such as web programming with ASP.NET, Windows Forms applications, data access for SQL Server databases, reporting services for analysis and modeling, Office Automation with VBA and Excel Automation with XLM/XLL add-ins. It is also used to create Windows Service Applications that run in the background under Windows operating systems.


JavaScript is a programming language that can be used to create interactive effects within web pages. It’s the most popular programming language in the world, and is used by all browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. JavaScript can be used on its own or combined with other languages to create cross-platform applications that run on any device with a browser. JavaScript has many features that make it easy to learn and use.


Ruby is an open source programming language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995. It is a dynamic, reflective and object-oriented programming language. The main advantage of Ruby is that it can be used to write code in both simple and complex ways. You can use it to write small scripts or you can use it as a complete platform for scalable web applications.

Ruby is also good for beginners because it has many features like classes, modules, objects and methods which will help you understand the basic concepts of programming easily without any difficulty.

In this article we will briefly discuss the main features of this language so that you can decide whether to learn Ruby or not.


SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a programming language designed for managing data in relational databases.

SQL is the most popular database language used by database administrators (DBAs) and software programmers to create, read update and delete data in a database. If you want to become a good software developer, knowing SQL will be very beneficial. It will help you understand how your business works with data and make it easier to communicate with other businesses that use SQL such as banks or ecommerce sites like Amazon.

We hope that this article has helped you understand some of the most common programming languages used by software developers. While not every developer will be familiar with all these languages, anyone who wants to be successful should at least have a basic understanding of the ones mentioned above.

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